Gift Recipient: perkyandproud Title: Not a Desk Job Series: Final Fantasy VIII Characters: Quistis, Irvine, Zell, Selphie, Rinoa Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Violence, swearing
Title: Perhaps Requite Author: Perkyandproud Characters: Zell, Quistis, Girl with Pigtails Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII Warnings: None Disclaimer: Not mine. I’m just a fan. Recipient: obabscribbler
Recipient: ff_santa (i.e. this means the person they wrote for pulled out) Writer: xxbanelo Title: Let Your Hair Down. Series/Characters: FFVIII; Laguna/Selphie Rating: G
Recipient: xxbanelo Writer: lassarina Title: Left Behind Series: Final Fantasy VIII Pairing: Quistis/Seifer Rating: PG-13 (for Seifer's mouth) Summary: Seifer hated being left behind.